1. Activate and complete the USCCA Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals eLearning module. At this time, you will also purchase your USCCA Instructor Toolkit which includes your classroom presentation PowerPoint, 10 copies of Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals by Michael Martin, a classroom poster, 10 copies of Concealed Carry Magazine, and a USCCA Instructor Polo and range cap.
Call 1-877-577-4800 to purchase your eLearning module and to order your toolkit. Instructor candidates can purchase these together at a discounted price. (You will receive your toolkit after completing Step 3, the USCCA Instructor Certification Course.)
2. Sign up for a USCCA Instructor Certification class at the bottom of this page.
3. Attend the USCCA Instructor Certification course with a USCCA Training Counselor and qualify by passing both live fire and written examinations. You will receive your toolkit after completing the USCCA Instructor Certification Course.